Friday, November 28, 2014

Money Magnet - Chapter 10

A Third Party Solution is Still a Solution
You don’t necessarily have to present solutions of your own. You can also present solutions as a third party for somebody else. In other words, you can be a go-between who the brokers the deal rather than solving the problem yourself.
However, here is something else very important. If you solve small problems you will make small money. If you solve big problems you are going to make big money.
One of the biggest problems you can solve is financial freedom for somebody. That why books, seminars, audio and video – everything that associates with making money has a higher price tag than most other products.
A book on how to get weeds out of the garden or how to make fluffy muffins solves a person’s problem, but it is not going to command the same price as how to make money because the solution - the end result of making money - is more valuable to the user or client.
Let me give you an example of the wrong and right way to go about this.
A friend of mine wanted to have her own website and sell her own product. She had a great product. Her experience is in the beauty industry so she created an e-book on 101 beauty secrets, including all the inside secrets on cosmetic surgery procedures, how to find the right doctor and everything else you would want to know about cosmetic surgery. It was over 150 pages and packed with information.
She created a beautiful website that had everything you could ask for. A great product, a great sales presentation, several bonuses, and a very reasonable price. However, the website was never successful. Why? She did everything right. She did exactly what the online marketers told her to do in
their “get rich on the Internet” courses. So why did the website fail? Because she decided what she wanted to sell to the public and they were not interested. In other words, she was not solving a problem that people were seeking a solution for.
Let me give you another example of the right way to do this. I know of a man who is making a fortune on the internet selling information products. He has several successful websites. But here is the interesting thing. Every product is different, and yet, he knows absolutely nothing about any of the products he sells.
However, his success comes from applying the principles you are learning here. Every website solves a problem that people are seeking an answer to. Here is his secret. Before deciding on what he wanted to sell and creating a website, he went online and found out what people were searching for. In other words, what problems were they trying to solve? If you think about it, the main reason people use search engines is because they are looking for a solution to a problem. All he did was find out what problems people wanted solved.
His very first website was on how to train your parrot to talk. There were a lot of searches on that, but very little information. Next he found someone who was an expert on training a parrot to talk. He interviewed them and taped the conversation. Next, he had someone transcribe the information and write the e-book for him. In fact, he has never written one of his information products. He says his job is to find problems to solve. This is where he puts his energy.
After he finds and researches the solution, he hires someone who has writing skills but does not have any writing assignments. Someone who would like to make some extra money. Then for about $300 he has them write a complete book for him even if it is only 50-100 pages. People don’t care how long the book is if it solves their problem. He has literally created a cash machine using this simple formula.
Do you see the difference? One person decided on what she thought people wanted or would be interested in, but the other found out exactly what people wanted. In particular, what problem they wanted solved. Then if there was only a little or no information available on how to solve that problem he would create a solution.
Cash flows to you not because you have a great product, not because someone tells you that this is a “ground floor opportunity”, not because the company says this industry is booming, and not because you are excited or in love with your product or service, but because it solves a real problem that is causing people pain that they want relieved, or pleasure that want to gain.
Here is something else that is great about this. If you are into sales or marketing one of the first things you learn is to answer the question, “What’s in it for them?” Guess what? The answer of what’s in it for them is already answered. So a certain amount of resistance to your offer is already taken care of.
Your coming to them from the position of having a solution to an existing problem that they would like to resolve so they can experience whatever relief it is going to bring to them. Is it going to bring them pleasure - take them closer to where they want to be, or move them away from pain - further away from where they don’t want to be? These are the only two reasons anyone buys anything.
This isn’t about sales or marketing or anything like that. I am just explaining the reality of how cash flows. Cash flows to those who are able to solve people’s pressing problems. Did you get that? Write it down now. Paste it up on the wall and look at it because it is your key to unlimited wealth. There are lot of other ways to go about creating wealth, but this is the best way for the average person with little or no skills to create wealth. It is also the only one that is guaranteed to succeed.
It’s worth repeating once again that cash flows to those who solve people problems. You see, if you are broke or not making enough money there are only two reasons; One, you are not solving enough problems for people, or two, the problems you are solving are too small. So don’t just ask the universe for more money – ask for ways to solve more and bigger problems for others. And then the money automatically flows. If you do this, guess what? Your pockets are going to start bulging with money. They are going to burst at the seems and wealth will be yours.
People who solve problems are money magnets. They can’t stop it from coming. They couldn’t stop it if they wanted to. They will die and the money will still be going in their direction. Because the legacy that they built was built around the problem solving model, so the money just continues to flow their way. So remember - money flows to those who solve problems for other people.

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