Saturday, December 6, 2014

Be A Money Magnet

Be a Money Magnet Now! 

When you solve people’s problems in your company or in your business - that’s how you create wealth. That how you get cash to flow to you.
When you focus on solving problems you become a money magnet. It is really simple. And it is also something that all these “law of attraction” prosperity and abundance courses never tell you – after you create a prosperity “consciousness”, you have to turn that consciousness into dollars by offering solutions to people’s pressing problems. That’s how you turn ideas or a prosperity consciousness into actual wealth. And, anyone can do it.
Find out where people are experiencing pain. Find out what they really need. Be a healer. Be a solution provider. And guess what? The money is going to flow to you. Trust me. That’s how it works.
So the number one reason why people will pay you cash right now, with a smile, willingly begging you to take their money is because you can solve their most immediate problem which is the pain they are experiencing right now that they want relieved, or the pleasure they want to move closer to as fast as possible. That is how cash flows.
And you don’t need a lot of money to do this. You don’t need a big capital investment to solve people’s problems. In fact, in many cases you could do it with no capital investment.
The world is full of problems and people are begging for solutions. That’s the way to get people to give you money. So here is the secret. Listen carefully. Don’t beg plead or ask God or the universe for money. Ask for problems to solve because that’s the easiest way to insure a constant cash flow into your life now and forever. Tell the universe-at-large that you are ready to solve people’s pressing problems. Then ask that they be revealed to you.
What problems can you help other’s to solve? Then ask for a way to communicate the solution. Do it yourself or find a company or an individual that you can partner with. Perhaps they can reach these people with your solution.
As you train your mind to do this, you become a Money Magnet. More and more ideas (problems) come to you and then you find the one or two problems that just “feel right”. You know that you can find solutions for these problems.
Finally, you can use all the tools you have learned about creating abundance from my books and programs, and in others as well, but if you use them in this problem-solving context, you will become a Money Magnet.
More importantly, there is no way you can fail at creating cash flow and abundance in your life if you focus on solving peoples’ problems. You will not only make a great living, have more money than ever before, but you could become extremely wealthy in the process.
Please read through this program a few times until you really “get it”. Use what you have learned so far about the law of attraction and focus how you can be a problem-solver. If you will do this I guarantee you will become a powerful money magnet and your days of not having enough money will be gone forever. Nice outcome, wouldn’t you say?

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