Friday, November 21, 2014

Money Magnet - Chapter 3

Why Some People Are Rich and Others Aren’t

One of the inner concepts we have to grasp is the basic principle behind quantum physics - that everything exists as a wave-particle duality. This is the key factor in understanding why some people are rich and others aren't.
What the wave-particle duality means at a quantum level is that what we see and perceive as a solid reality is not actually solid at all. Everything, and I do mean everything, exists in an oscillation or ill-defined wave of energy. This ill-defined wave of energy remains the same unformed energy until a particle is observed, whereupon it changes from being somewhere in an ill-defined wave state to being solid and existing in a definable place.
Money, and our ideas around money and abundance, follows the laws of quantum physics. In order for money to become part of your life, it has to go from an unformed, ill-defined wave state of ideas -- dreaming, wishing, yearning, and vague maybes -- into a solid state: a dollar bill, credit in your bank account, a coin in your pocket.
If you can convince yourself at the very deepest level of your being that there is no lack, no unfairness, and no discrimination, and that making money isn't difficult, you suddenly open yourself to greater wealth. This is because you've collapsed your self-denial, your aversions and resentments, and you flip from the insecure ill-defined wave state that asks, "Where's the rent coming from?" to the solid-particle state of creating more money in your life. Suddenly you know where it's coming from because “the check is in your hand”.

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