Monday, September 22, 2014

The Law of Attraction Tip #4: How to Remove Limited Beliefs

Our limited beliefs are serving us in one way or another. If they didn't serve us, we wouldn't hold onto them. How do our limited beliefs serve us? Well, they don't serve us in positive ways, but only through negative reinforcement that we have come to know and accept them as true. In order to remove the limited beliefs, we must recognize how these beliefs are serving us. 

Beliefs serve us in 2 dominate ways:
1. Identity - We identify the belief as who we are and feel lost (not knowing who we are) without it.

2. Familiarity - The beliefs are extremely familiar and all we know. We fear anything other than what we know. Hence the saying "Fear of the unknown."

Here are some examples of identity and familiarity limiting beliefs:
1) I am who I am based on income bracket (poor class, status, wage, etc...) . "If I am no longer earning minimum wage, how will I be identified?"
2) I am what I do (job title, workaholic, responsibilities, etc...). "If I am not an electrician, who am I? Who would I be without my job?"
3) I am what other think of me (my reputation). "If I change what others think of me, who will I be?"
4) I am my past (my suffering, pain, failures, rejections, etc...). "If I am not a victim, who am I? Who would I be without my suffering?"
5) I am the possessions I own (trailer, older car, cheap clothes, few
resources, etc...). "Who would I be without my recessionary style?"
Our limited beliefs are not as obvious as I explained them above, but start to listen to people when they talk and will notice what people identify with based on how they speak. We all have patterns in the way we speak and these patterns give great insight into what we believe. We literally wouldn't know how to communicate with each other without our stories and our stories always revolve around the list of 5 above. 
It is easier to notice beliefs in others than it is to notice the beliefs in ourselves (since we have lived with ourselves all our lives). First, start to notice 'limited belief communication' in others, then you will start to notice the same in yourself. All it takes is to notice these patterns. Once noticed, the pattern begins to break-down. Every time you become aware that you are communicating a limiting belief, become aware of it and point it out to yourself "Oh... that's a limited belief." 
Once the broken recorded is noticed, it's difficult to keep playing it over and over again. Tends to get tedious and perhaps even annoying. I know when I hear a broken record skipping, I can't hear it for long before I must turn it off or skip it ahead.  :)

Next time, we're going to talk about something that holds most people back from attracting what they desire. Something even more damaging than limiting beliefs. In fact, it is likely the most damaging block!

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