Monday, November 17, 2014

LOA And Money (Helpful)

Money is the first thing we generally try to manifest, when we get introduced to Law of Attraction. Although we achieve manifesting smaller goals using the LOA, even the bigger ones, but we generally fail in Manifesting even smaller goals when it is “MONEY” that we want to Manifest.

Here are the replies to some questions raised by people who believe in LOA and is practicing the same to make their life the way they want it to be.

Here is a question and a stumbling block with financial freedom. From The
Secret and Abraham-Hicks I've read that I’m supposed to put forth my
intention, believe that it is already there and then behave as if I already have
In regards to money, this seems highly risky business. If I just start
spending as if it is there and it doesn't come, I've created a huge financial
risk for myself and my family. I've always believed that I should spend
within my means and although I make a good living, I'm locked into being
fiscally responsible. Perhaps, therein lays the problem.
Can you offer suggestions and further clarification?
This is a great question and I'm glad you asked it. Theoretically, you are
correct. The way it works is that you should act as if, taking steps forward,
trusting that there will be ground beneath your feet, and the ground will
appear. At first, when you are expanding your consciousness and developing
your understanding of these principles, it will always feel risky. However, as
you experience Source providing more and more, you will develop a faith
that is not blind, but is steeped in deep understanding.
It is absolutely possible to walk forward with nothing concrete in hand,
maintaining a vibration of abundance and trust, and the Universe will
provide. Some people are able to take huge leaps, not only in action, but in
consciousness. Others need to work their way up the vibrational ladder
steadily. My suggestion is to act in faith, stretching a bit beyond your comfort
zone. But act from wisdom. If your inner guidance tells you that your
consciousness is not at a place to act in total trust, heed that. If you leap out
further than your consciousness is ready for, then, if things do not
materialize as you would wish, your energy might contract in fear. Once the
fear snowball gets rolling it takes more effort to let go and trust. It is
completely doable, but may be unnecessarily stressful.
In order to take big leaps and big risks you must be at a place of total trust
and non-attachment. If you're not there yet, take smaller risks that will allow
you to develop these consciousness muscles. Only you can know how much
"adventure" you can take. You must be willing to risk, no question about
that. But you get to decide how fast you move. When you leap off of the cliff,
the stress level can be high for some. For others, it is easy to move into
trust, because they know they have no choice.
Listen to your intuition. It will guide you!

What comes first, the behavior that money is there or the arrival of the

The thoughts, emotions and actions (i.e. behavior) that the money is there
comes first.
You must first radiate the vibration of “I have money. I am prosperous.”
before the money will appear. This is why the following behaviors are so
Expressing gratitude no matter what your financial situation.
Consistently focusing on what you do have versus focusing on lack.
Tithing or donating on a regular basis. (This is the vibration of having
more than enough.)
Now it is important to understand that the actions must be accompanied by
the correct consciousness. If you give out of obligation, then your vibration is
not one of abundance. If you give thanks for what you have now, but swiftly
move into fear about the future, you are putting out a mixed vibration.
This being said, when you engage in any behavior around money, always
check in to see where your consciousness is. For example, it is possible to
use credit cards from a vibration of abundance, trust and prosperity and
attract more prosperity. Conversely, it is possible to focus on your debt and
lack and attract only more of that. It is also possible to live within your
means and manifest greater abundance or feel limited and tight financially,
attracting more limitation.
Prosperity is certainly a hot topic for many people. I've studied it intensely
for the last seven years. Just as an FYI, in the future I will be offering a
prosperity e-class so as to go more in-depth into these very questions. For
those who'd like more insight right now, a few resources I highly recommend

How can I connect with the “feeling” of prosperity when I’m the one paying
the bills and looking at our debt on a regular basis?
Here’s the thing with money. Like body issues, money can be one of the
more challenging topics, especially if you are the one paying the bills. This is
because you need to focus on the freedom of prosperity, but when you are
looking at bills or debts, your consciousness is brought right back to the
experience of not enough-ness. A few things to do include: get a blank
checkbook register and list a bunch of deposits and the balance you wish to
see. Or white-out a bank statement and put the numbers in there you wish
to see. Look at these regularly, pretend with feeling, and celebrate!
Also, know this: If you want to experience prosperity, you must open up to
Source giving you money through infinite channels. When we think that
money must come from this pay check, or that person who owes me, or that
alimony check, we create resistance. If you make prosperity contingent
upon your business being successful, then you are limiting all the ways the
Universe can offer you prosperity.

Additional Comments on Money
It has come to my attention that some people are still stuck on declaring
their goal. And I'd like to inject an important metaphysical concept that I
think can help.
The first step in the Mystic's Formula is to identify what you want. However,
many of us can't even do that because of fears and limiting beliefs. We get
so caught up in the question, "How will I do this?" that we kill the “want”
before it sees the light of day.
Know this: You do not have to have a clue about how to make your dream
come true! All you need to know is what you want. Wherever you are on this
journey, decide right now that you are going to let go of how your goal will
happen. Focus only on what your goal is. This is your job. The Universe's job
is to line up the details.
So, for those of you working on prosperity, and I know there are quite a few
out there, notice each time you have a thought about how money is
supposed to come to you.
I have to earn it.
It must come from my paycheck.
It must come from child support.
I can't get into debt.
I have to make a plan.
Release judgment about where or how the money comes.
With the old-fashioned motivational approach to success you have to have a
plan and execute it. With metaphysics you need only know your end result,
become a vibrational match to it, and follow the leads the Universe sends
your way.

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