Friday, September 12, 2014

The Law of Abundance

The Law of Abundance

What is it, and how do you get it to work for you?

When you don’t have enough money, life is difficult and exhausting.  The smallest tasks seem extremely draining, like paying the bills, buying groceries, gasoline, clothing, and medical care.

You constantly have to “rob Peter to pay Paul” - juggling your expenses and trying desperately to cover everything when you just don’t have enough money coming in to cover them all at once.

Even worse, financial worries can take a toll on your health.  They weigh you down, make you feel anxious and panicky; they interrupt your sleep and erode your peace of mind - especially when they seem to go on and on with no end in sight, often for years.
our modern world, money is really essential.  You to feel happy.     need money to keep a roof over your head, to get from place to place, to eat, to clothe yourself, and yes, even

It’s not that your happiness is dependent upon money alone - it’s not.  But when you don’t have enough money to meet even your most basic needs, it’s hard to feel happy and productive.  You spend most of your time working through challenges, feeling overwhelmed and pressured, and having little time and resources to actually enjoy your life.

What is Money?

Money isn’t the source of happiness - but it is a TOOL that can help you create a happy, comfortable, productive life.  It’s a resource that makes other things possible for you.

It’s no surprise then, that one of the most common things that people try to manifest with the Law of Attraction is money.    Having more money is a big goal for countless people because money equals power and freedom.  The power to take control of your own life and time - and the freedom to live your life the way you want to.

When you have plenty of money, you are less stressed.  You feel secure and peaceful.  Your basic survival needs are met, and you live more comfortably.  You can provide for your family and invest in resources to help grow yourself personally, professionally, and spiritually.

Life is just easier and more fulfilling when you have enough money to cover your needs - and that’s nothing to feel guilty about!

You deserve to live an abundant, joyful life, and money will play a large role in the creation and maintenance of that life.

Do you currently feel like you have enough money?

Most people reading this will probably say no.  Maybe you have enough money to meet your basic needs, but you want more.  Maybe paying your bills is a constant struggle because you keep coming up short.  Maybe you’ve lost your job or had your work hours reduced.  Maybe you would even be considered “wealthy” in other cultures, but you have big dreams and want more money to help fund them.

Whatever your circumstances, understand that you CAN CHANGE THEM.

Once you understand the Law of Abundance and begin applying it deliberately in your daily life, you will begin dissolving the inner blockages that have held you back from allowing more abundance into your life.

What is the Law of Abundance?

The Law of Abundance is simple:  you must be vibrationally compatible with abundance to receive it.

What does that mean?  To answer that question, let’s explore how the Law of Attraction works.  The Law of Attraction is one of the most compelling universal laws because it affects literally everything in your life (including abundance).

The main “rule” of the Law of Attraction is like attracts like.

Whatever you focus on, think about, believe, and feel, you will call forth into your life.   When it comes to money and abundance, most of us are focused on scarcity, struggle, shortage, and strain!

We worry about not having enough money.  We fear not having enough money. We worry that we might lose our job (or we worry that we can’t find another one if we’ve already lost it).  We get angry and frustrated about not having enough money to cover all of the bills.  We feel exasperated that we can’t seem to get ahead no matter what we do.  We complain about these “facts” to everyone we know, and we listen to others complain about the same things.

You might be tempted to say, “I focus on money all of the time but I can’t seem to attract any - things just keep getting worse!”

That’s because you aren’t focusing on money - you are focusing on the LACK OF MONEY.  The more you focus on not having enough money, the more “not having enough money” you’ll attract into your life.

The Law of Abundance says that you will attract whatever you are vibrationally compatible with.  What does that mean?

The Law of Attraction is activated by three main things:

Your thoughts

Your feelings Your beliefs

These three things come together and form a vibrational “signal” that is broadcast out to the universe, and the universe simply mirrors back the content of that signal in your daily life experiences.

If you think, feel, and hold negative beliefs about money, money is scarce for you. If you think, feel and hold positive beliefs about money, money comes easily to you.

In fact, you’ve probably tried at least a few times to improve your vibrational signal around money.  You may have practiced visualization, recited affirmations, done some scripting or applied other common Law of Attraction tools to manifest money.

Did they work for you?  Since you are reading this, I’ll assume they didn’t - at least not to the degree you would have liked them to.

Here’s the reason why they didn’t work:  You went through the motions, but you were not successful in altering your vibrational signal.

You can always tell where your vibrational frequency is regarding any subject by gauging how you FEEL about it.

How do you feel about money right now?  Put some words to it.  Desperate; sick and tired; frustrated; empty; restless; lost; ready to give up?

Whatever words came to mind, if they are anything less than “amazing, awesome, inspired, happy, joyful, enriched, happy, eager, abundant” - you still need to do some work to shift your vibrational frequency about money.

The good news is, it’s not hard to do!  It just takes a little bit of time and effort, and within a few DAYS you can start seeing a difference in your outer life.

How to Activate the Law of Abundance

The whole point of techniques like visualization, meditation, affirmations, and others is that they are supposed to help you shift how you FEEL about whatever subject you are focusing on.

If you visualize having plenty of money, by the time you finish that visualization session you should FEEL INCREDIBLY ABUNDANT, just like you would feel if you did indeed have a lot of money!

Do you feel that way after visualizing?  If not, the visualization is not helping you attract more abundance.  You are simply going through the motions but not having an effect on your actual vibrational frequency.

There can be several reasons why this happens:

You may not have stayed with the exercise long enough to shift your feelings; you may not be focusing on the right “aspect” of abundance to really get your creative juices flowing; or you might struggle with visualization and need other tools that can help more.

Sometimes you may be successful in shifting your feelings about money WHILE you are actively working on a manifesting technique, but within a few minutes after finishing the work, you slide right back into negative thoughts and feelings.

This happens often when you are first beginning to work with the Law of Abundance.  As time goes on and you consistently keep shifting your feelings about money, it should become easier and easier . . . until finally you create a new, “default” state of thought and emotion that is compatible with the essence of abundance.

Changing Thought Habits

Besides shifting your feelings about money while you work on manifesting techniques, you also need to change your HABITS of thought that keep you focused on the opposite of what you want.

For example, if you spend 30-60 minutes each day visualizing and affirming more abundance, and you then spend the rest of each day complaining about not having enough money, or getting angry about not having enough money, you will simply override the inner shift you made while focusing on abundance.

It’s not just what you do for a short time each day - it’s your day-long, chronic vibration regarding money that counts!

Here’s the good news: if you make a serious effort to consistently improve your thoughts and feelings about money day by day, you WILL make progress!  It’s just a matter of being diligent and forming new habits consistently.

Changing Limiting Beliefs

Improving your thoughts and feelings is a HUGE part of working with the Law of Abundance, but it’s not the only important part.  Beliefs also come into play, especially when it comes to money.

Like most other people, you may have strong limiting beliefs about money and abundance, which limits how much you can receive.

What kind of limiting beliefs am I referring to?

The belief that you don’t deserve to be wealthy The belief that you have to work hard for money The belief that you can’t do better than your parents The belief that you can only earn so much The belief that you aren’t educated enough The belief that you aren’t “good” enough The belief that you aren’t talented enough And so on and so on!

The Law of Abundance

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There are endless types of limiting beliefs, and they can be extremely strong! Sometimes you don’t even realize you have these beliefs until you do a little digging to uncover them.

Here’s how to uncover limiting beliefs:

Start by writing down the following statement:  “I would love to have more money but __________________”.  Then quickly write down every “but” that comes into your head.


But I would have to go back to school to get my degree . . . But I can’t find a better paying job where I live . . . But my spouse would probably just spend it all . . . But I can’t even manage what I have, let alone more . . . But I don’t know what to do . . .

But I can’t work any harder than I already am . . . But there are no opportunities for someone like me . . .

Be sure to jot down even the beliefs that seem completely irrational - if it popped into your mind, you’ve probably got some resistance related to it.

Clearing these limiting beliefs will require some dedication and patience - but you can shorten the process by using an effective tool like meridian tapping (otherwise known as energy tapping, EFT, or simply “tapping”).

This process helps clear the negative emotional charge that often comes along with limiting beliefs and traumas.

Or, if you prefer to transform your limiting beliefs the “old-fashioned” way, you can simply use the power of repetition!  When you think about it, your existing beliefs are strong simply because you’ve kept repeating them to yourself and reinforcing them for years.

If you start reinforcing more positive beliefs (and being very persistent about it), you can easily replace the old, limiting beliefs.

For example, let’s say you hold a limiting belief that you must work hard to receive money, and you’d like to dissolve that perception.

You could simply keep repeating to yourself all day, “Money comes easily to me; money comes easily to me; money comes easily to me . . .”  (And more importantly, feeling the joy and ease that would come along with such a reality.)

Over time, you will open your mind to more opportunities to make money easily, without struggle or strain.

As Within, So Without

One of the biggest mistakes people often make when using the Law of Attraction is trying to change their OUTER circumstances.

They look around at their lives, don’t like what they see, and start trying to change it directly.  They start taking massive action, straining and struggling to make the changes they want to see, but all they do is tire themselves out.

They don’t realize that everything outside of them is merely a REFLECTION of what’s happening INSIDE of them.

Is this a new revelation to you too?

Trying to change your outside circumstances is really going about it the hard way. Instead, if you successfully change yourself from within - thoughts, feelings, beliefs, vibration - everything around you shifts to match your new, higher state of being.  The process is effortless!

Transformation Can Be Easy!

It can definitely seem overwhelming to think about permanently changing your thoughts, feelings and beliefs about money - but allow it to happen easily for you, and it will!

Take it one day at a time - one minute at a time - apply the tools and techniques that have been proven to work, and before you know it, you’ll see the results in your outer circumstances.

Happy “coincidences” will come your way, opportunities will appear as if by magic, and the flow of money into your life will get bigger and easier the more you work on it.

You’ll be led, step by step, to the people, tools, resources, and opportunities that allow you to create the life you REALLY want - the life you dream of having.

Remember that you DESERVE to be as abundant and happy as you want to be. Just knowing that you deserve it and CAN have it will go a long way in helping you to allow more abundance into your life.

Ready to Take Your Abundance to the Next Level?

I can help!  I’ve been practicing, writing about, and

teaching spiritual development, personal development and manifestation concepts for more than 15 years.

One thing I’ve learned is that you MUST be consistent and deliberate if you want to permanently change your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about money.

You must be willing to face your fear, doubt, and limiting beliefs, and clear them out for good.  You must be willing to see yourself and your financial situation in new ways - transcending the old, limiting patterns and stepping into new possibilities.

The problem is, many people have no idea HOW to do all this on their own.  I’ve learned through simple trial and error - but that’s a messy, difficult way to learn.

Visit for all of the details. May abundance forever be yours!

Wendy Betterini, Author

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